Boys' Brigade

Monday Evening (term time)

Anchor Boys & Junior Section

Mondays, 6.30–7.45pm, in the church hall.

We have Anchor Boys and Junior sections (catering for boys from School Year 1 to the end of Year 7).

The aim of the Boys’ Brigade is the advancement of Christ’s kingdom among boys and young men. We have a dedicated group of leaders who hope to pursue this aim by facilitating a program of games, crafts and Bible teaching.

Company Section

Mondays, 7.30–9.00pm, in the church hall.

Company Section for boys from 11–18 years. As BB leaders want to continue to invest in the lives of our young people as they move out of our Junior BB.  Through our Company Section we look forward to teaching the older boys about Jesus Christ and ensuring the boys have lots of fun at the same time.


If you would like more information, please contact the church office (